April Make-N-Mail



With Mother’s Day quickly approaching we have decided to focus on Mom’s. 


You Make N Mail challenge for April is to search in and around your community for Mother’s that you could bless this year. 


We have a maternity home in our County that offers a place for single moms and their new babies to stay.  Selah’s Oasis offers them a beautiful place to start as a new mom or to refresh as a single mom. 


We reached out and asked if we could bless the moms there. 


The team at Maymay Made it will be making cards and crafting a sweet keepsake gift for the moms to have this year. 


Your challenge…find a place near you that you can bless. Think of places like nursing homes, maternity homes, senior centers, your church may have a single mother’s ministry. 


Even if you only bless one mom, you will have completed the challenge this month!


Share with us ideas of ways we can bless moms that may not hear just how great they are this year!


We will set up a forum on the Club page for you to share your projects and ideas as well. 


Thanks for being a blessing!!